Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Jungle Book Thumbnails Continued

1 comment:

Colin Campbell said...

At this point, you might consider digging in deeply with some more thumbnails for whatever you've decided to do as a solo piece. You have so many different directions here you'll want to understand one of them more fully before jumping in.
In that sense, try and be bold with your thumbnails, especially your environmental ones. You look like you almost dig into the village huts, but pull up short. They become simple rectangles with pitched ceilings, and I assume you're imagining them to be more than that.
The same goes for the ruins - find what it is that you find interesting about these and draw that. Pursue it until you find something worthwhile, and don't be afraid to throw out plenty before you get to it. What is the hut made of? what does the shape say about it? What gear or tools would be around it? How does it keep out the jungle?
The characters seem to have more boldness to them, and a stronger voice. You're trying things there, which is good. Push the environments to the same degree.